सितंबर की प्रमुख गतिविधियां

सितंबर माह में हमने 2023 के संगठित यू एम्बेसडर्स समूह के निर्माण का सफर आरंभ किया।

यहां सितंबर 2023 के दौरान की गई प्रमुख गतिविधियाँ उल्लेखित हैं।


Upon finalizing the prospective U-Ambassadors, we received a warm and informative onboarding letter that we signed and updated to UNICEF for documentation.

To mark our induction, we participated in a welcoming call organized by UNICEF, officially initiating us into the U-Ambassador cohort of 2023.


हमारी यात्रा एक व्यापक यू-रिपोर्ट इंडिया ओरिएंटेशन मीटिंग के साथ जारी रही। हमने चल रही और पिछली परियोजनाओं, डिजिटल परिसंपत्तियों (यू-रिपोर्ट इंडियाज न्यूज़लेटर, पब्लिक-फेसिंग वेबसाइट, और सोशल मीडिया प्लेटफॉर्म सहित) और अन्य में विस्तार किया। इस अभिविन्यास ने साथी सहकर्मी सदस्यों के लिए हमारे परिचय के रूप में भी कार्य किया, जो एकता की भावना को बढ़ावा देता है।

टीम गठन

After officially onboarding the
U-Ambassadors from different states,
a strong need of forming focus groups was observed and several regions and states was formed.

क्षेत्रीय प्रभाग

Regional Division: To create an efficient structure, smaller states were grouped into regions, while large states stood individually.

Regional Structure

  • Region 1 (17 Members)

  • Region 2 (23 Members)

  • Region 3 (18 Members)

  • Madhya Pradesh, representing the largest state, was acknowledged as an independent region with 15 members.

नोडल का चयन

Following regional division, we held open elections to designate Nodal leaders. Each region selected one male and one female leader, resulting in a total of 10 Nodals.

Nodals took on the role of keeping their respective teams informed about program activities and updates.

सलाहकार का चयन

Acknowledging the need for internal cohesion and quality assurance, an Advisor was to be chosen by the Nodal Team to work on maintaining ongoing activity records and coordinating the alignment of objectives across regions. All potential candidates participated in two rounds and Advisor was finalized.


After a month of activities, the UNICEF Youth Engagement Officer assessed the Nodal teams based on their contributions and engagement. Any inactive Nodals were replaced with aspiring U-Ambassadors who could dedicate the necessary time to lead their respective regions.

Additionally, the final Nodal team was trained to conduct assessments of their U-Ambassador teams. Based on their assessments, an inactive U-Ambassador list was compiled, leading to the removal of those members to ensure high-quality team participation and output. These assessments played a pivotal role in shaping the proactive and dedicated U-Ambassador cohort of 2023.